Seasons of Mobility 🚅✨ see the collection on OpenSea

Memories of Mobility 🚌💨 see the collection on OpenSea

Freedom of Mobility 🚗💥 see the collection on OpenSea

Seasons of Mobility

It is the year 1010AH (After Humanity). We are long gone. But life continues. The autonomous trains, buses, and cars created by us have become a new species that calls itself Mobility.

Seasons of Mobility was created in the aesthetic tradition of wabi-sabi, which identifies beauty in the imperfect, the impermanent, and the incomplete.

The colours and scenes invoke the four seasons across a full year. Each piece reflects everyday life in a future that is both familiar and surreal.

Memories of Mobility

Mobility continues to have memories of the past. The longest memories are from more than 2,000 years before 1010 AH and include some figures that could be human.

These video loops have the same challenges of memory that we find with humans: they might be mistaken and confused, representing an imagined past rather than actual history.
Even with these challenges, perhaps the Memories of Mobility can give us clues about what happened to humanity.

Freedom of Mobility

Mobility believes that life is motion and they want Freedom of Mobility.
This desire is directly relevant to our own experiences. Do we want our digital creations to be controlled by companies deciding where our creations exist, deciding who can interact with our creations, and even deciding to disconnect us from our own creations? Or do we want Freedom of Mobility for our own digital creations.


Having been trained by a mix of humans, AI systems, and spirits, bashobits is an artist in motion.

The focus on motion can be experienced directly in the art trilogy of Mobility: Seasons of Mobility, Memories of Mobility, and Freedom of Mobility.

Human collaborations include working with award-winning AI CryptoArtist Pindar Van Arman as part of the bitGAN Collabs.

AI system collaborations include hallucinating through the latent space alongside the daring Disco Diffusion systems to explore chaos.

Spirit influences start with the soulful poet Matsuo Bashō, leading directly to the name bashobits. This reflects time spent writing poetry for many years since childhood and studying poetry formally through university.

In addition to creating, bashobits collects specific AI CryptoArt once in a while.